Social Behavior Change (SBC)


PS Kenya is a valued partner of the MoH – Health Promotion Unit and the leading SBC organization in Kenya, partnering with various donors USAID, UKAID, DFID, FCDO, Global Fund, CIFF, BMGF, and TB Reach to design and deliver cutting-edge SBC campaigns at National, County and Community levels.

PS Kenya SBC Models, PS Kenya uses evidence-based SBC design strategies, including

  • Formative research to understand local knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and self-efficacy of the target health area,
  •  Theory of Change illustrating the ‘big picture’,
  •  Consumer-centered design,
  •  Social-ecological model (using Human Centered Design (HCD) applying the 4 phase keystone framework) to identify social norms, categorize targets into those directly affected (women, girls and men) and enablers (providers, religious leaders, policymakers and opinion leaders),
  •  Social marketing[1],
  •  Social[2] and Mass Media to address behavioral gaps on general knowledge, social norms and beliefs working



  1. Support at the National Level to the Ministry of Health

PS Kenya supported the National Hospital Insurance Fund in developing the communication campaign dubbed ‘the super cover’ that aimed to increase coverage of people with social and medical insurance through a marketing and communication campaign to help drive awareness and enrolment of the NHIF informal sector product.

The “Komesha Corona” was the national communications campaign to stop the spread of COVID-19. PS Kenya used sponsored messages through mass media (TV, Radio, community outreaches, vehicle branding, Interpersonal Communication and social media). We have reached over 30 million people with the COVID-19 preventive messages and essential MoH-approved information on COVID-19 prevention.

PS Kenya supports the MoH and Presidential Economic Stimulus Team in developing and piloting primary health care dubbed Afya Nyumbani.

  1. HIV Test & Start Campaign, Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC), Condom Use and HIV Testing Services.

Trust Condoms: In 1993, PS Kenya, then known as PSI Kenya, launched the Trust condom, with the primary target being at-risk, sexually active youth aged 15-24. The key focus was increasing accessibility in peri-urban and urban outlets (getting condoms to non-tradition outlets) by getting more retail outlets to sell a package of 3 Trust condoms at KES 10.

Condom Self-efficacy: To increase the adoption of safer sexual practices, PS Kenya implemented various condom-use mass media campaigns, including:

  1. i) The Let’s Talk & Sema Nami campaign focused on promoting the reduction of HIV, STI prevention of pregnancy and minimizing stigma and embarrassment associated with condom use and purchase.
  2. ii) Under USAID APHIAIplus Health Communication and Marketing program, $51,391,684 (2012 – 2016), PS Kenya implemented the Nakufeel campaign aimed to increase awareness of the risks of HIV infections among 15 -24-year-olds with low-risk perception and high HIV infection prevalence. The program influenced behavior among the youth to use condoms as anyone is at risk of HIV infection. Key achievements The campaign was circulated by audiences via YouTube, achieving 36,815 views, translating to a slight increase in consistent condom use among married (13.2% up from 9.8%), distributed 81 million socially-marked condoms and 52 million free condoms.

iii)  The Kuvaa CD campaign focused on imparting quick easy to remember steps in condom use such as Pinch the tip, Place on Penis and Roll it down – short PPR.  The campaign was flighted through an integrated approach, which leveraged various mediums, including Television, Radio, Print and Social media, to deliver the message of correct and consistent condom use to prevent HIV. The campaign was implemented with a focus on gaining high reach and high affinity. The strategy involved TV spot advertisements and sponsorship of specific programs and properties that appeal to the target audience. Due to the viewing rating given by the Kenya Film Commission Board, the campaign could only air out of the watershed period past 10 pm as it was deemed to have adult-only content and unsuitable for general viewing.

Key achievements: A total of 27,152 people were reached with the campaign message through roadshows in the 24 counties. Of these, 8,952 received condom use skills and demonstrations (3,798 aged between 18 and 24 – 767 women and 3,031 men; and the rest aged 25 plus) and 115,200 free condoms were distributed.

  1. iv) The Kuwa True and Form ni Gani Campaign – “Kuwa True” (Be yourself) and “Form ni Gani” (which loosely translates to “What’s your plan”). PS Kenya is leveraging digital and in-trade platforms to communicate with consumers, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – the leading social media platforms for engagement with the target audience – Johnny and his girlfriend, Gina.

Key achievements Through PS Kenya’s communication strategy for this campaign, through brand push messages and relevant content posts, PS Kenya grew its following to over 330,000 clients across different social media platforms, contributing to the 41,600,0000 condoms distributed to date.

  1. HIV Testing Campaigns

PS Kenya developed and implemented various HIV Testing campaigns:

  • The 1st campaign launched in 2001 supported Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Services by increasing general awareness of the need for VCT services, service centres and who should go for a test.
  • The 2nd campaign, Chanuka, focused on the youth and featured youth celebrities to promote VCT as the key tool to help individuals control and manage their serostatus to achieve future goals and dreams.
  • The 3rdthird campaign, Chanukeni Pamoja, was targeted at young couples to encourage young Kenyan couples to visit VCT centres to establish each other’s HIV status as a standard, indisputable element of dating, getting married or starting a family.  The campaign used young Kenyan celebrities and their partners, who were dating, engaged or having a baby, to visit a VCT centre together to record the testimony of their experience at the centre.
  • The 4th campaign, Onyesha Mapenzi Yako, targeted older married/cohabiting couples where prevalence was increasing. 
  • The 5th campaign, Jitambue Leo, was implemented in 2009. 

HIV Testing Services among men: PS Kenya focused on the ‘total/ real man’ (Mwanaume Kamili) to address the key barrier: fear of testing.

The campaign unpacked the desire inherent in every man to be a complete/ total man, a universal notion not restricted to socioeconomic or psychographic groups. Therefore, the campaign sought to evoke this same emotion about testing: while you are trying to work hard and provide for your family, be there for your children and be there for your friends, knowing your status means you can do these things confidently.

Key achievements PS Kenya implemented the campaign in 24 counties (Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi, Central and Eastern Kenya, North and South Rift, Western and Nyanza)

USAID’s Health Communication and Marketing Project reached 78,430 men during the experiential activities, with 5,809 testing for HIV on site. Of these, 56 were reactive and were linked to care by the counsellors. Of those reached, two-thirds were male, and 62 per cent were aged between 20 and 34 and distributed 82,515 Government of Kenya condoms during the activations.

  1. Campaigns for PLHIV

PS Kenya developed a brand name and slogan, ANZA SASA, which means “Get Tested. Start Treatment. Live Well” PS Kenya further recorded testimonials from PLHIV who were on treatment to talk about their experience before using ART and their experience after. This was to advocate and encourage people to test and enrol on treatment immediately. The campaign reached 6 million listeners through radio, achieved an average monthly reach of 2.9 million people through the campaign’s Facebook page, and 9000  on Twitter.

  1. HIV/TB Prevention

Sita Kimya campaign – “Jitokeze Ukomeshe Ubakaji,” which refers to, “I will not be quiet. Come forward and stop rape.”PS Kenya designed and implemented the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) communication campaign to empower the Men, Women, Youth and Children of Kibera to prevent and reduce the impact of SGBV, thus reducing HIV infections. The project built the capacity of community change agents, and the extensive community engagement resulted in a strong sense of community ownership of the project. The campaign contributed to an increase in GBV knowledge and awareness around available GBV services, reporting procedures for sexual abuse, rights consciousness, and children speaking out about incidences of abuse.

Through USAID’S DREAMS[1] project on the prevention of HIV transmission among adolescent girls and young women, ensure that those who are negative are empowered to stay negative. PS Kenya designed and implemented various campaigns, including:

  1. a) Abstinence (Chill Campaign) to increase the percentage of youth (male and female youth aged 10-15) who choose to abstain from sex. Key achievements result of the TRaC[2] survey indicated that the proportion of youth who reported ‘never having sex’ increased slightly to 94%, up from 92% in 2005.
  2. b) PrEPJIPENDE JIPREP Campaign was aimed towards offering PrEP services to the key populations in Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, Mombasa, Kwale, Taita-Taveta, Kilifi, Kisumu and Kisii counties and adolescent girls & young women in Migori County. 
  3. c)Pimwa TB, tiBiwa TB” The goal was to increase the uptake of diagnostic and free national treatment services among all Kenyans infected with TB, whether HIV negative or positive. PS Kenya implemented water tank branding artworks with the message “Pimwa TB, tiBiwa TB”; worked with the Ministry of Education (MoE) and county teams, identified and branded 40 schools with the campaign message; Branded walls with the TB Messages in nine counties (Nairobi, Kiambu, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Nakuru, Kisumu and Meru and Isiolo county); and partnered with and engaged in the campaign 110 matatus with capacity ranging from 11 to 51 seaters with a total estimated reach of 1,136,860 persons per month during the campaign period.
  4. d) Voluntary Medicalized Male Circumcision (VMMC) – Skiza Sauti ya Ukweli” PS Kenya implemented the campaign targeting men above 15 years in all regions, but most importantly in traditionally non-circumcising communities. The communication messages around VMMC stated that circumcision does not offer complete protection against HIV; neither is it a substitute for other HIV prevention measures.

Key achievements: The campaign reached 42,305 men, and of the total men mobilized, 52% were men aged 25 years and above, an audience that traditionally does not circumcise.

As reported by health facilities in the areas we mobilized, 10% of those reached (3,936) took up VMMC services. 

  1. Malaria Campaigns

Under the USAID Health Communication and Marketing Program $42,489,599 (2016-2021), PS Kenya implemented the Malaria Shujaa campaign using regional media, SMS and interpersonal communication.  The Campaign, launched in August 2018, used a blended approach of the surround and engagement strategy incorporated an evidence media mix geared towards maximizing efforts for reach, recall and intent to behave amongst focus targets of pregnant women and caregivers of children under the age of 5 years in priority regions namely Nyanza, Western and Coast.

Key achievements LLIN: Increase from 48%[3] to 76% in endemic and epidemic-prone areas[4].

The percentage of those who slept under an LLIN last night in households with an LLIN for every two people increased from 88 to 91%[5]

Mbu Nje Sisi Ndani  PS Kenya supported Kenya’s Division of Malaria Control (DMC) department in implementing malaria prevention and control intervention in areas with at least 80% of people living in malaria risk zones on net use campaign. The campaign ensured the target communities slept inside a treated net every night.

Haraka Upesi PS Kenya supported the 3 T strategy (Test, Treat and Track) through the Haraka Upesi campaign Upesi, which directly translates to “Hurry Fast”. The program aimed to increase recognition

[1] Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored and Safe Lives

[2] Tracking Results Continuously

[3] Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey 2015

[4] Post Mass Net Distribution Survey PMLLIN 2017

[5] Post Mass Net Distribution Survey PMLLIN 2017

and response to malaria symptoms by caregivers, especially fever, and improve the Quality of Artemether Lumefantrine (AL) provision by public health service providers. Working with DOMC (now DNMP) and partners, PS Kenya developed communication targeting caregivers of children under five around early symptom recognition, treatment-seeking behavior, correct administration, and adherence to appropriate anti-malarial medicines dosages.

Key achievements Assessment[1] of the campaign indicated an increase from 62.8% pre-intervention to 79.4% post-intervention in caregivers who reported seeking formal treatment promptly (on the same day or next day) for their febrile children.

There was a slight increase in the proportion of children accessing AL within 48 hours of fever onset [18.4% vs 23.5%]

  1. Reproductive Health

Under Delivering Sustainable and Equitable Increases in Family Planning (DESIP), Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), £18,498,683 program (2019-2025), PS Kenya is implementing the ‘Kipanga Maisha’: Life Plan campaign to shift the mindset on modern contraception and rebrand FP as an offering through targeted communication that will position FP in the minds of consumers as fun, inclusive, bringing happiness to the community and to each person in their way, enjoying Life. Key achievements: Contributed to the program’s cumulative CYPs for Year 1 to Year 5 Q1- 2,644,974 against a target of 1,930,432, a performance of 147%,

Under Accelerate, Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), DKK 50 million program[2] (2021-2025), PS Kenya is implementing the ‘Ahandi Yangu’ campaign to address Compounding factors that have magnified GBV/HTPs. Key achievements: a) Achieved 97,822 against a target of 93,434 (105% performance); b) Reached 12% (3,492/28,302) survivors in the project’s supported sites; d) Out of the total support provided to WRAs, 7% was to adolescents.

Under Adolescent 360 (A360), Children Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) $4,441,191 project (2021-2025), PS Kenya is implementing Binti Shupavu  – a comprehensive approach to addressing adolescent’s SRH issues that consider the individual and societal factors that impact health outcomes. Key achievements: Reached 116,030 girls aged 15-19 years, with 68,029 adopting contraceptive use and 24,600 as continuing users; reached 1,664 with life skills and economic empowerment. 

Under the USAID Health Communication and Marketing Program $42,489,599 (2016-2021), PS Kenya developed and implemented the “The Choice is Mine” campaign to empower couples and women to be the final decision-makers on which contraceptive methods suit their lifestyles, working with local radio stations in 8 counties. (Nairobi, Kilifi, Kitui, Nakuru, Baringo, Kakamega, Kisumu and Migori[3]). The campaign involved radio talk shows that invited family planning experts weekly to engage with the public on air and educate the target audience on family planning issues. In the radio stations, the campaign organized expert forums where listeners could air their concerns on family planning, providing an opportunity for immediate feedback from the experts.

[1] The Impact of a Community Awareness Strategy on Caregiver Treatment Seeking Behavior and Use of Artemether-Lumefantrine for Febrile Children in Rural Kenya

[2] Focus Counties: Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Garissa, Homabay, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kwale, Mandera, Marsabit, Nairobi, Narok, Samburu, West Pokot.

[3] Focus Counties: Nairobi, Kilifi, Kitui, Nakuru, Baringo, Kakamega, Kisumu and Migori

Social-behavioral change campaigns

ASBC Conference

Chill Campaign

Wacha mpango wa kando

Weka Condom mpangoni

pola banjir scatter mahjong waysmahjong ways server singapurauang kaget game mahjong winsrtp game maxwin pg softmaxwin terbesar dengan trik super gacor terbaru 2025mahjong ways 1 gacorrtp live gacor hari inimahjong ways trik jackpotpola bonanza makswin terbarurtp live terakurat mahjong waysakun vip gates of olympuskiat sukses game mahjong ways 3aset berharga mahjong ways naga emasmenang mantap mahjong waysmahjong wins 3 super gacorpria desa dapat rezeki nomplok dari game onlinesitus mudah jackpot hksbetkisah tukang parkir ketemu boss besarjackpot starlight princess akhir bulangame pengubah nasib gates of olympustrik game aztec gemstrik game mahjong ways 2game starlight christmasgame server luar negeri 2025agen bola onlinertp game pg softteknik game mahjong winsgame gacor sugar rush 1000trik scatter hitam mahjong waystrik game olympus 1000deposit murah pragmatic x pg softscatter hijau gates of olympusgame deposit bcadaftar game gacor filipinabocoran cheat mahjong winsstrategi bangkit mahjong wins 3raih kemenangan sugar rush pola keramatspin turbo rtp live mahjong merahpanduan jackpot spin manual mahjong waysspin dan rtp akurat mahjong wins 3manfaat pola keramat rtp live abc1131bonus rebate dan jackpot setiap haristrategi jadi jutawan seharigoogle rilis update engine freespinramalan jackpot awal tahun game onlinestrategi akun pro raih jackpot mudahrahasia starlight princess perkalian x1000penjual pecel lele dapat scatter beruntuntips putaran mahjong wins cuan puluhan jutastrategi baru mahjong ways 2 scatter emas0387 modal 100k jadi 10 juta gates gatot kaca0388 pg soft scatter merah emas dan lucky neko0389 4 game pragmatic play rtp live terbaru0390 fokus scatter emas mahjong ways 20391 spin turbo mahjong ways 2 profit besar0392 pemuda bandung jackpot 88 juta mahjong wins0393 mobil baru dari black scatter mahjong wins0394 tren mahjong wins 3 kemenangan besar bandung0395 pecah scatter hitam emas jackpot imlek1117 mahjong teknik ulur waktu1118 mahjong bisa cuan terus1119 mahjong keseruan menular1120 jp paus cuan1121 olympus mendaki gunung1122 gatot diujung tanduk1123 starlight princess strategi1124 mahjong naga emasakun gacor server luar negericara banjir scatter sweet bonanzapotensi jackpot besar akhir bulanperkalian sugar rush bikin kecanduantrik jackpot mudah wild bounty showdownmahjong wins 3rtp game pragmaticgame mahjong winsakun hoki vvip game the dog house mudah maxwintrik x500 game olympusaspek formytologi yunani gates of olympussitus gacor rekomendasi teman terbestsitus gacor mudah menang deposit danungkap rahasia dapatkan scatter hitam mahjong wins 3trik super dapatkan ledakan x500 sweet bonanzarekomendasi game gacor spadegaminggame mudah menang sabung ayam onlinerahasia jackpot spaceman pragmatic playtrik menang mudah midas fortune pg softtips memilih game nolimit city murah maxwintrik game wild west gold megawaysakun pro thailandtrik bermain game pg soft banjir scatter gampang maxwin5 tips dan trik spaceman bonusgame starlight princessgame mahjong ways 3akun gacor sweet bonanzalink game mahjongbocoran jackpot spacemandownload cheat engine mahjong wayspria bandung ciptakan cheat enginecara menang mahjong wins 3 20 menitrahasia menang besar mahjong waysserver thailand janjikan kemenangan5 cara jackpot di agen profitstrategi scatter hitam mahjong winsgalaxy s25 ultra dan agen profitfreespin auto jackpot pragmatic playmahjong wins 3 megaways bonus harianpemuda bandung trik menang 399 jutafitur wild scatter mahjong waysbanjir petir ganas starlight princessdriver ojol raih jackpot sugar rushkuli bangunan jackpot 19 juta0377 bang saipul bocoran pola mahjong wins0378 akun pro thailand mahjong ways maxwin0379 metode ampuh menang modal receh0380 mahjong ways citarasa maxwin nagih0381 rtp wild heist jackpot 388 juta0382 imlek 2025 jackpot dan bonus angpao0383 pola jitu mahjong wins 3 untung besar0384 driver gocar menang besar mahjong wins0385 akun pro auto maxwin dan bonus angpao0386 bonus angpao imlek scatter hitam1109 sweet bonanza scatter perkalian1110 akun istimewa jp terus1111 server thailand berjoget1112 kamboja pusat game1113 pg soft aplikasi auto cuan1114 mahjong perkalian tumble1115 mahjong maxwin sekejap mata1116 mahjong rahasia auto jpteknik jackpot mahjong terbaru 2025situs gacor server thailand maxwinrahasia pemain jackpot sweet bonanzaakun gacor pg soft vipstrategi maksimum jackpot joker jewelsstrategi game sugar rushteknik scatter mahjong naga hitamtrik dapatkan kemenangan game sweet bonanza 1000rahasia bocoran game mudah jackpot hari inistrategi jitu jackpot game wild banditorahasia pola gacor mahjong wins tiap haribest game setiap provider kemenangan besarkasih paham langsung mahjong dari kak gemtidur nyenyak setelah maxwin gates of olympusmenang jauh lebih mudah dengan bocoran rtp slot88akun gacor vip terbaru 2025pola andalan komar bantai gates of olympusmemacu roda keberuntungan bersama gates of olympussolusi lunasin hutang dengan mahjong ways 2 scatter hitamjunjung tinggi 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starlight princess0371 pragmatic kejutan mahjong 20250372 cuan koi gate maxwin0373 fitur baru mahjong wins 30374 rtp gates palembang0375 sweet bonanza viral0376 jackpot mahjong lombok1097 sweet bonanza strategi1098 game buru buru1099 mahjong terus ghacor1100 game paling bochor1101 olympus modal mental1102 mahjong black scatter1103 pg soft admin bocor1104 olympus akun gacorrtp live pragmatic playpola sensational pragmatic playpola gacor jackpot pausrahasia menang besar gates of olympuspusat bocoran cara menang mahjong winspola maxwin perkalian kakek zeusbocoran game pg soft mudah menangkisah kang ujang maxwin mahjong winsstrategi akun pro kambojatrik sensational sweet bonanzatrik jackpot spaceman pragmatichujan lebat petir x1000 olympustrik ngopi santai sambil spin mahjong ways 2panen hasil kemenangan ways of qlinkisah sukses maxwin mahjong winsmengungkap 5 rahasia kunci sukses maxwin aztec gems 3 miliarpola gacor gates of olympus gampang jackpot 400 jutamaxwin mahjong ways 2cheat gates of gatot kacatrik maxwin starlight christmasmemahami rtp game terakurat 2025link situs hoki gampang maxwin terbaru 2025trik menang mahjong wins pragmatic playtrik menang terus di judi sabung ayamfitur sweet bonanza bomb perkalian 1000daftar situs terbaik dengan cuan besartrik perkalian wild banditoteknik pg soft banjir wildcara jackpot maxwin dengan modal recehbocoran mahjong dengan cuan terbesargame online pragmatic playprovider gacor pgsoft hari inipermainan game online mahjong waysfitur jackpot mahjong wins 3trik putaran olympus x500pedagang sayur raih jackpot 2025ibu palembang menang untung besarmahasiswa bandung lunasi hutangpemuda makassar rekor kemenanganibu bogor tabung untuk naik hajimas wahyu keuntungan tahun barupetani boyolali peluang besarplatform digital pola unikstrategi profesional raih keuntunganibu nur dana pendidikan anakpak rahman ubah hidup dramatispemain sulsel menang ratusan jutakeluarga medan finansial stabilgenerasi milenial raih impianpola viral keuntungan besar0357 rahasia warga tangsel raih keberuntungan0358 kisah ibu lina surabaya untung tak terduga0359 pola bermain bantu member baru menang besar0360 ayah semarang pola baru ubah hidup0361 pemuda bali inspirasi dengan pola terbaik0362 rahasia awal tahun peluang keuntungan besar0363 strategi profesional untung cepat 20250364 warga yogyakarta bongkar pola menang besar0365 pemuda padang tabung modal usaha0366 pola bermain bawa keberuntungan ribuan orang1089 thailand jp fantastis1090 pragmatic bocor banget1091 mahjong tak terbatas1092 pg soft bansos tiba1093 situs game jp1094 mahjong cuan mulu1095 mahjong scatter hitam1096 game favoritjackpot progresif aztec gemsjackpot maksimal mahjong ways 2berlayar menuju jackpot pausmendaki gunung tinggi maxwin olympusjackpot gatot kaca tombak kemenanganakun gacor spesial vip cuan terus anti rungkadtrik gacor jackpot game midas fortune8 permainan game online terpercaya7 jenis taruhan judi bola terbaik di bandar bola afbcara tembus 4 parlay sbobet untuk pemulabocoran rtp pragmaticgame server thailandsitus game mahjong wins maxwinbocoran rtp game terbaru dan tertinggigame mahjong gacoruang kemenangan starlight princesslegenda naga emas mahjong waysrtp mahjong wins paling akuratsemangkok kemenangan gates of olympusbocoran game pg soft rtp tinggitrik maxwin admin legendarispedagang sayur maxwin lucky nekojackpot besar mahjong wins 2akun gacor server filipinasitus gacor server australiascatter hitam mahjong winspola pasti jp game mahjong waystrik makswin sweet bonanza 1000rtp live mahjong ways terbarumahjong ways bagi jp dan makswintrik menang starlight princessgame kakek zeusscatter hitam mahjong ways 2trik sensational mahjong winsgame mahjong ways0356 ibu palembang jackpot awal tahun koi gate awsbet0355 teknik baru mahjong ways 2 awsbet multiplier gacor0354 rahasia scatter wild mahjong ways 1 peluang menang besar0353 pemuda surabaya sweet bonanza modal bisnis baru0352 misteri scatter hitam mahjong wins 3 awsbet bongkar rahasia0351 petir x500 gates of olympus rizal menang puluhan juta0350 ibu medan menang puluhan juta mahjong ways awsbet0349 update terbaru starlight princess 1000 cara jackpot0348 strategi scatter multiplier x1000 mahjong ways 2 awsbet0347 pemain sulawesi menang besar mahjong wins 3 awsbetpak haris penjual soto naik haji dari mahjong ways 2jackpot awal tahun mahjong ways 1 raih ratusan jutamisteri rtp live mahjong ways 3 dan peluang menangteknik auto jp mahjong ways 2 bawa keberuntunganayah solo raih tabungan ratusan juta modal rp10 ribuibu rumah tangga malang menang scatter hitamandri pemula menjadi sultan di gates of olympusteknik scatter wild gacor raih kemenangan besarrizki menang mahjong ways 2 dengan modal kecilpak darman makassar raih jackpot mahjong wins 3buat akun pragmatic play dengan rtp gacorstrategi ampuh menang mahjong ways 2penjual burger yogyakarta menang 42 juta seharitips menang besar mahjong wins 3 terbuktiujang kuli bangunan raih jackpot sensasionalheylink magic134heylink macauklubheylink asiaklubheylink hksbetheylink kapten76heylink mpoxompoxo