Women and girls are frequently ignored in population conversations, and their rights are denied in population politics. This widespread injustice makes them vulnerable and gives them less access to and control over the benefits of land tenure, education, and employment opportunities. These factors limit their agency and ability to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, increasing their vulnerability to violence, harmful practises, and preventable maternal deaths. Advancing gender equality to create a fairer, more resilient, and more sustainable world
Population Services Kenya was a proud partner of the 2023 World Population Day, held on the 11th of July, whose theme was “Unleashing the Power of Gender Equality,” with the aim of unlocking Kenya’s infinite possibilities.
The broad objective was to create awareness and advocate for population and development issues. The 2023 World Population Day commemoration will create awareness of the social impact of the triple threat, that is, pregnancy, new HIV infection, and sexual and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) among adolescents.
Advocate for the safeguarding of adolescents, youth, and women’s empowerment; and Strengthen collaboration, coordination, and partnerships in the implementation of the Population Projectme in the country.
Equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for women, men, girls, and boys are essential to achieving peaceful societies with full human potential and sustainable development.
Population Services Kenya cares deeply about the health of women and girls and supports them throughout their lives to access quality health services. PS Kenya’s goal is to serve Sara, as she is at the centre of our strategic plan. We take care of Sara’s health needs by providing her with information on health areas such as family planning, HIV, maternal health, and gender-based violence.
PS Kenya’s Accelerate Project, funded by the Danish Government, has supported over 500,000 women to access Family Planning services and over 17,000 GBV survivors to access quality integrated health services, with 234 of them being linked to Accelerate support groups for psychosocial support.
The project contributes to the ICPD25 promise of zero unmet need for contraception, zero preventable maternal deaths, and zero gender-based violence and harmful traditional practises. It is implemented in 13 marginalised, underserved, and hard-to-reach counties: Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Garissa, Homabay, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kwale, Nairobi, Narok, Mandera, Marsabit, Samburu, and West Pokot. The project supports 424 health facilities and has achieved 394,281 years of protection (June 2021- March 2023).