
The Delivering Equitable and Sustainable Increases in Family Planning (DESIP) programme is a six-year initiative funded by UK Aid, aimed at enhancing reproductive health in Kenya. It specifically targets counties with a modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) of less than 45%, aligning with Kenya’s Vision 2030. The programme’s primary goal is to empower women and...
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This year, World Contraception Day (WCD 2024) held in Narok County at the Ole Ntimama stadium, focused on raising awareness about modern contraceptive options and ensuring that more people across Kenya can access and use them. The theme, “Contraception Choices: The Power is in My Hands,” emphasized empowering individuals and families to make informed decisions...
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Kilifi County, 25th September 2024 – In a significant step toward addressing gender-basedviolence (GBV) in Kenya, the Accelerate National Shelter Program was officially launched inKilifi County. The implementation of the shelter component is led by the Gender ViolenceRecovery Centre (GVRC) through a partnership between the Kilifi County Government, theEmbassy of Denmark in Kenya, Population Services...
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Nairobi, Kenya — A new report, The State of Kenya’s Health Market 2024, was launched onSeptember 19, 2024, highlighting critical findings that could reshape the country’s healthcarelandscape. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the USAID Private Sector Engagement (PSE)Program conducted the market assessment that provides a snapshot of Kenya’s health system. It highlights critical...
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Nairobi, Kenya – 22nd August 2024: Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) is excited to announce the launch of its strategic plan for 2024-2028, marking a new chapter in its mission to enhance health outcomes and drive private sector engagement across Kenya. The unveiling event, attended by key stakeholders, represents a significant milestone in PS Kenya’s...
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To mark World Population Day, PS Kenya among other key stakeholders attended an event held by the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) in Nairobi on July 31, 2024. This year’s theme, ‘Embracing Data for Decision Making: Using Evidence to Invest in Adolescents and Young People,’ underscored the importance of data in shaping impactful...
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The USAID Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Program, led by Chief of Party Sylvia Wamuhu, alongside USAID representatives and in collaboration with officials from USAID Stawisha Pwani Program, recently conducted a visit to Mombasa County, a key implementation area for the program. The visit aimed to engage with critical stakeholders to promote partnerships and advance the...
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Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) is at the forefront of using social marketing to make essential health products more accessible and affordable for all Kenyans. By strategically combining behavior-change activities with effective sales and distribution strategies, PS Kenya ensures that vital health products reach people across the country, improving overall public health. PS Kenya collaborates...
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June is globally recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues affecting men and boys. This observance aims to combat the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and encourage those in need to seek help. In Kenya, mental health is a critical but often overlooked aspect of overall well-being,...
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The 7th RHNK Annual Scientific Conference, themed ‘Priorities for Advancing Adolescents and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (AYSRHR) in Africa,’ gathered leading organizations and professionals dedicated to enhancing the health and rights of young people across the continent. At the forefront of this pivotal event was PS Kenya, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to advancing reproductive...
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