
In the vibrant marketplace of Homa Bay County, Sarah Akinyi stands confidently behind her fruit stall, however, beneath her warm smile lies a story of immense hardship and untold pain. Sarah, a devoted mother of four, never anticipated the devastating turn her life would take. One fateful day, as she went to fetch water from...
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In the little town of Mariakani in Kilifi County, amidst the rich blend of Swahili and Arab cultures lies the well-known narrative of teenage motherhood. In this setting, young mothers navigate the challenges of parenthood against a backdrop of societal expectations and economic hardship. Their stories, often overlooked in the splendor of the coastal landscape,...
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In Lporos village of Samburu County, Kenya, where challenges are a daily reality, we meet Naserian—a determined young mother and beneficiary of PS Kenya’s Accelerate Project. Naserian’s life has been marked by immense hurdles from a young age. Born into poverty and orphaned early, she found herself shouldering responsibilities beyond her years as the eldest...
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The experience of walking into facilities in West Pokot County, meeting with different groups of Community Health Promoters(CHPs) exuding deep passion in their course to spread word on Sexual Reproductive Health(SRH), youth representatives full of strength, and beneficiaries whose smiles were a clear indication of  satisfaction, is one that will not be easily forgotten.  We...
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Collaboration among program partners plays a pivotal role in fostering productivity and engagement among key personnel responsible for project implementation. Furthermore, it contributes to the overall well-being of personnel. The synergy achieved through collaboration enables individuals or teams to work cohesively towards shared objectives, whether short or long-term. This collaborative effort facilitates the exchange of...
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The impact of family planning training initiatives spearheaded by PS Kenya’s DESIP progamme in 2019 and subsequent years is evident in the transformative journey of healthcare providers turned trainers of trainees. These professionals successfully addressed persistent challenges in family planning through a well-structured mentorship model. Issues such as recurrent stock-outs, myths and misconceptions surrounding contraceptives,...
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“I was unable to complete my education due to a forced marriage that resulted in my pregnancy during secondary school. This complicated my life, forcing me to abandon my dream of a brighter future for my humble family. At that time, I was very naive, simple, and immature. I didn’t know what to do, succumbing...
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In a town rich in cultural beliefs and religious diversity, a community-based organisation (CBO) embarked on a transformative mission to empower residents with knowledge about gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The organisation sought to eliminate stigma, break down barriers, and cultivate a culture of open dialogue around these vital topics....
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Kaloleni Young Mothers Conducting a Session at the Chief Baraza When we think of local community leaders such as chiefs, assistant chiefs, and village elders, our minds often conjure images of arrests, crime, and uniformed authority figures. However, it is essential to recognise the multifaceted role that these administrators play in addressing fundamental issues at...
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Nestled near the border of Kenya and Uganda is Busia County, one of the smallest in the country with a population of about 900,000 people, but also one of the biggest malaria-endemic areas with a prevalence of 39%. The warm temperatures and high humidity create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding, especially during the rainy seasons...
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