Kitu Ni Kukachora

Our understanding of the young people.
  • The current youths want to be real, feel empowered and make decisions by themselves. 
  • They want to break free from the existing norms. They want to influence their own future.
  • CASH is King to them, they want to get money. They value any avenue that would lead them into getting money. They would go for anything that appears to be the sure way to success.
  • They believe money facilitates a better lifestyle and freedom as well as happiness. This is what they would like to have.
  • To them money = happiness = SUCCESS
  • In short all what they want is to be successful and make it in life.

How we responded to this need

  • In order for us to make sense to them, we had to engage them around what is most important to them i.e What they value most – SUCCESS.
  • We believed that, the youth will only understand what we were proposing to them, if only they saw how it links to what they need most – SUCCESS.
  • We therefore created something that is more than just material, something that they can identify with – Linking their current choices in areas of Health, Education, Economic Empowerment, Social Issues and Governance to their FUTURE SUCCESS.

What is Kitu ni Kukachora?

  • Kitu Ni Kukachora was the life hack we created to speak success to our audience through a call to “Make a plan”.
  • Kitu ni Kukachora is derivative of the Swahili word “Chora ” which can be translated to mean “make a plan”. This was developed in conjunction with the youth after extensive surveys among target groups on what phrase best represents the call to “make a plan ” as youth.
  • The aim of the campaign is to give the youth the power to make the decisions and choices that determine how their future lives will be. Anchored on the four pillars of youth needs – Health, Education, Economic Empowerment and Social Issues. To increase acceptability and appeal of the campaign, we integrate interventions and messages through key touch points that appeal to youth i.e. music, sports, technology, fashion and entertainment with the focus being to get the youth to plan for the success that they so badly want.
  • Kitu ni Kukachora therefore holistically addresses the needs of the youth through responding to their interlinked needs across the main 4 pillars.